- Keeping an Eye on TCI December 15, 2014Island Eye-TV gives visitors the “inside scoop” on the Islands. By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Renau Destine You know it. When visiting any new place, especially a new country, most of us want the “insider’s view” of where to stay, what to do, the best places to eat and shop, the historical and cultural background. Thanks ...Read more about this post
- Worth Working For! January 3, 2014Corporate incentive groups are a growing market in the Islands. By Luise Bayley and Lynne Watts, Nila Destinations ~ Photos By Paradise Photography You’ve worked hard all year for your company and have reached your sales target to qualify for a reward from your employer. Your “thank you” gift? How about an all-expenses-paid trip for you ...Read more about this post
- Putting Down Deep Roots December 30, 2013Mike and Nadine Giese, Sunshine Nursery By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Nadine Giese Just as it took over 200 years for the Lignum Vitae tree shown here to reach this size, and nearly two decades for the iconic Turks Head Cactus to develop its trademark red “fez” top, so the process of growing a successful business ...Read more about this post
- Hybrid Vigor! June 18, 2013Merging two TCI real estate companies brings out the best. By Kathy Borsuk Just as cross-breeding produces gorgeous and long-blooming orchids (see “Plants of Passion,” page 28), hybrids are typically stronger and more resilient than either of the “parents.” Such is the case with the merger of two long-standing Turks & Caicos real estate agencies. In January 2013, ...Read more about this post
- Take That Vat! March 12, 2013The spectre of Value Added Tax has been laid to rest. By Lindsay McCann, Director, Morris Cottingham & Co., Ltd. Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it. — “Macbeth” Macbeth, Act I, Scene 4 “ … I will instruct the Governor not to sign the Commencement Notice which would have brought in VAT on 1 April ...Read more about this post
- Traveling Lite March 12, 2013The scoop behind Provo’s scooter renaissance. By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Nancy Gargano When I first moved to Providenciales 20 years ago, many folks used scooters to get from Point A to Point B. There was little traffic, fewer people and places, and life was a lot more laid back. However, as the roads deteriorated and ...Read more about this post
- Dawn of a New Tax January 19, 2013Value Added Tax (VAT) rises on the Islands’ horizon. By Lindsay McCann, Director, Morris Cottingham & Co. Ltd. The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to get the most feathers with the least hissing. Jean Baptist Colbert, attributed People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women. Author ...Read more about this post
- Protecting Your Investment October 9, 2012Vacation property rental insurance advice from a local expert. By Tony Lancaster, The Insurance Centre ~ Photo By Steve Passmore, Provo Pictures My wife Kerry and I have lived and worked in the Turks & Caicos Islands since 1996. Prior to that we both worked in the insurance industry in London, but having been born in Jamaica ...Read more about this post
- Service and Value Breed Success March 2, 2012“The Best Little Car Rental Agency” in Grace Bay just got a whole lot bigger. By Kathy Borsuk Since opening in 2005, Grace Bay Car Rentals and Sales has operated from a tiny office in Grace Bay Plaza, with their fleet of rental and for-sale cars packed into the gravelly lot at its side. In February 2012, ...Read more about this post
- A Piece of the Pie June 6, 2011Proposed Registered Fractional Ownership Legislation for the TCI. By Emma Riach, Senior Attorney, Karam & Misick and Sue Nickason, President, Caribbean Resorts Consultants Ltd. One of the fastest growing segments of the recreational property market may soon be available in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Fractional ownership, which is also commonly referred to as vacation ownership and ...Read more about this post
- Meet a Friend Before You Visit March 22, 2011Turks & Caicos Reservations service helps you plan the perfect trip. By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Claire Parrish If you were planning a vacation to an unfamiliar destination (like the Turks & Caicos Islands), wouldn’t it be great to be able to “phone a friend” who lived there? Your buddy could give you the unbiased “insider ...Read more about this post
- Generational Property January 12, 2011Understanding and untangling land claims in the Islands. By Sara J. Kaufman, Manager, Forbes, Forbes & Forbes Ltd. It is not that long ago when the British government gave away massive tracts of land in their colonies of the Bahamas and the Turks & Caicos Islands to Loyalists fleeing the US, to UK citizens of power and ...Read more about this post
- Blazing Ahead of the Competition June 28, 2010Islandcom revolutionizes the TCI wireless market By Kathy Borsuk Imagine being able to download your favorite tunes, photos, movies, streaming videos and games into your Blackberry, iPhone or iPad with lightning-fast speed. Surf the Web and access email while making a call! Want to see who you’re speaking to while you talk? Tired of hard-to-hear and dropped ...Read more about this post
- In Case of Emergency . . . April 23, 2010Building an efficient, effective 9-1-1 service for the Turks & Caicos Islands. By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Claire Parrish Building an efficient, effective 9-1-1 service for the Turks & Caicos Islands. By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Claire Parrish Dial 9-1-1! It’s a universal call for help; an almost-instinctive response to an emergency situation. And, as of February ...Read more about this post
- “Meet You at the Couryard” February 11, 2010TCI’s premier professional center opens. By Kathy Borsuk ~ Photos By Claire Parrish It’s hard to travel on Leeward Highway and not admire the attractive new three-story professional complex (across the road from Central Square) that sets the stage for Providenciales’ own “Miracle Mile.” Completed on schedule early this year, The Courtyard Plaza — designed by local ...Read more about this post
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This spectacular shot was captured by Seth Willingham, also known as @waterproject on Instagram. He’s been a professional photographer for 15 years, traveling the world capturing images of nature from beautiful destinations. He says, " From the moment I first saw Turks & Caicos from the airplane window I knew this place was going to be different. On our first night at Grace Bay, we were blessed with a glorious sunset and the colors of the sky and water were truly mind blowing."